Climate Change

Over the years, the Helios Centre has realized a number of studies and projects addressing climate change. In addition to the specific projects mentioned here, most of the Helios Centre’s work is focussed on thinking through the low-carbon electricity transition, in all of its aspects.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Hydropower
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Hydropower
Towards a Sustainable Low-carbon Electric System: Challenges and Opportunities
Towards a Sustainable Low-carbon Electric System: Challenges and Opportunities
Vers un système électrique sobre en carbone et durable : défis et opportunités
Vers un système électrique sobre en carbone et durable : défis et opportunités
Restructured Rivers: Hydropower in the Era of Competitive Markets
Restructured Rivers: Hydropower in the Era of Competitive Markets
Mettre en place une Autorité nationale désignée pour le MDP : Pourquoi et Comment ?
Mettre en place une Autorité nationale désignée pour le MDP : Pourquoi et Comment ?
Implications of the Kyoto Protocol for Renewable Energy Projects in developing Countries : Initial Considerations
Implications of the Kyoto Protocol for Renewable Energy Projects in developing Countries : Initial Considerations
Navigating the COP/MOP ; A guide to the COP/MOP process
Navigating the COP/MOP ; A guide to the COP/MOP process