Seeding Green Power: Community Pilot Project To Develop an International Green Standard For Small-Scale Hydropower
Seeding Green Power: Community Pilot Project To Develop an International Green Standard For Small-Scale Hydropower
Economic aspects of hydroelectricity in Quebec : Costs and risks
Economic aspects of hydroelectricity in Quebec : Costs and risks
Comments on the Justification of the Eastmain-1-A / Rupert Diversion Project.
Comments on the Justification of the Eastmain-1-A / Rupert Diversion Project.
The role of Hydropower in a carbon-Constrained Energy Future for Canada
The role of Hydropower in a carbon-Constrained Energy Future for Canada
Eligibility Standards for Hydropower Resources for the New York State RPS
Eligibility Standards for Hydropower Resources for the New York State RPS
La filière de l’hydrolienne fluviale: un premier regard sur les coûts
La filière de l’hydrolienne fluviale: un premier regard sur les coûts
Eastmain 1A/Rupert Diversion Project: Report on the Conformity of the Environmental Impact Statement
Projet Eastmain-1A / dérivation Rupert: Rapport sur la conformité de l’étude d’impact (Eastmain 1A/Rupert Diversion Project: Report on the Conformity of the Environmental Impact Statement
Competitive Electric Power Markets : Implications for new Hydroelectric Development in Canada
Competitive Electric Power Markets : Implications for new Hydroelectric Development in Canada
La sécurité des approvisionnements en énergie au Québec
La sécurité des approvisionnements en énergie au Québec
L’attribution d’une quote-part à la filière de la petite production hydroélectrique – Principes, méthodes et considérations (mandat d’étude de 1999 du gouvernement) (Testimony concerning a set-aside for independent small hydropower generators (Government’s 1999 study mandate).
L’attribution d’une quote-part à la filière de la petite production hydroélectrique – Principes, méthodes et considérations