Low-Impact Hydropower
On behalf of the Helios Centre, Philip Raphals has acted as an advisor to the governing board of the Low Impact Hydropower Institute since 2000, and currently serves as chair of its Renewable Markets Advisory Panel. The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) is a US non-profit organization created out of a collaboration between American Rivers, a river conservation organization, and Green Mountain Energy Resources, an electricity marketer. It has published detailed, science-based criteria for identifying hydro projects which are low-impact, based on their operations.
Options for Environmental Rating of Electricity
Options for Environmental Rating of Electricity
Comments on Draft Guideline On Renewable Low-Impact Electricity
Comments on Draft Guideline On Renewable Low-Impact Electricity
Seeding Green Power: Community Pilot Project To Develop an International Green Standard For Small-Scale Hydropower
Seeding Green Power: Community Pilot Project To Develop an International Green Standard For Small-Scale Hydropower
Eligibility Standards for Hydropower Resources for the New York State RPS
Eligibility Standards for Hydropower Resources for the New York State RPS