Energy research for a sustainable future.


Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) has a small population but a large territory. Its regulatory regime for energy is particularly complex, due to its geographic diversity. While its Crown utility, NL Hydro (NLH) and its affiliates are responsible for virtually all generation, transmission and distribution in the province (with the exception of the St. John’s area, where distribution is provided by Newfoundland Power), it carries out no fewer than five distinct cost-of-service studies, for the different regions its serves.

The Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric Project, which will be in service shortly and which is discussed in detail here, has had and will continue to have dramatic effects on virtually every aspect of the NL electric system.  

In addition to its work on the Muskrat Falls project, the Helios Centre has provided expert testimony in a number of regulatory proceedings since 2013, first on behalf of the Innu and more recently on behalf of the Labrador Interconnected Group (LIG), composed of four of the five municipalities served by the Labrador Interconnected System (including the Innu reserve of Sheshiatsiu).

Newfoundland and Labrador

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